Stručna usluga
Mali dijelić usluga koje nudimo u našem servisu:
- Redovno održavanje vozila
- Popravka i zamjena mjenjača
- Servis ovjesa i amortizera
- Popravka sistema goriva
- Održavanje sistema za hlađenje motora
- Kompjuterska dijagnostika
- Auto optika
- Mali i veliki servis
- Servis kočionog sistema
- Popravka i punjenje auto klime
- Servis kvačila
- Zamjena zupčastog remena
- Servis gospodarskih vozila
Brzo i sigurno
Zakaži svoj termin i naše stručno osoblje će odgovoriti u što kraćem roku.
Garancija na rad i dijelove
Na kompletnu uslugu u servisu i na sve ugrađene dijelove dajemo garanciju kvalitete.
Potpuna transparentnost
Nudimo fer i transparentne cijene i unaprijed dajemo procjene za potreban rad na vašem vozilu. Zakažite termin sa povjerenjem.
Zadovoljstvo zagarantovano
Mi radimo sa rezervnim dijelovima vrhunske kvalitete koje ugrađuje naše stručno i certifikovano osoblje.
Porodica Grabovac se bavi svim popravkama motornih vozila još od 1980. godine, a posao je u stalnom porastu.
Auto Servis Grabovac je porodični servis za popravak motornih vozila sa sjedištem Tuzli koji služi lokalnoj zajednici i okolnim područjima. Naši certifikovani tehničari spremni su se nositi sa svim potrebnim popravkom motornih vozila ili problemima s vozilom s kojima se možete suočiti. Esad Grabovac (vlasnik), servis je naslijedio od svog oca.
- Stručno osoblje
- Timski rad kroz povjerenje i poštovanje.
- Predanost entuzijazmu klijenta.
- Odgovornost na svim razinama.
Kako mi to radimo
Naše istaknute usluge
- Dijagnostika
- Veliki Servis
- Servis izmjene ulja i filtera
- Optika trapa
- Servis kvačila
- Servis klima uređaj
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
Posjedujemo savremenu opremu za provjeru, dijagnostiku i efikasno rješavanje bilo kojeg problema koji imate na vašem vozilu.
Svaki proizvođač automobila propisuje kada bi se trebao napraviti veliki servis, a najčešće se radi od 90.000 do 120.000 prijeđenih kilometara. Na velikom servisu se mijenjaju (ukoliko automobil ima zupčasti remen) -zupčasti remen - tračni remen - klizači (vodilice) - natezači (španeri) - vodena pumpa.
Za duži vijek motora i manju potrošnju goriva, preporučujemo redovnu godišnju izmjenu ulja i filtera uz našu vrhunsku uslugu, kvalitetna ulja poznatih dobavljača i brzi servis.
Loše podešena geometrija točkova (optika trapa) može prouzrokovati oštećenja na Vašem vozilu. Preporučujemo redovan pregled uz ispitivanje geometrije točkova prednje i zadnje osovine sa najnovijom tehnologijom.
Ispravnost kvačila je važna za automobil. Za sistem kvačila nema propisanog redovnog servisa, već se servis radi po potrebi i istrošenosti.
Pregled sistema klima uređaja podrazumijeva vizualni pregled svih komponenti, testiranje performansi mjerenjem radnog pritiska, mjerenje temperature na izlazu iz središnjeg ventilacijskog otvora...
Česta pitanja i odgovori
Reparacija i Servis